Saturday, November 9, 2013

Prologue Part 3: The Lord of All

       The cacophony of sounds had stopped as soon as I announced that I accepted whatever fate now was going to be laid before me.
       "Accepted," said the voice, "You and by default, your descendants have accepted."
        Suddenly a bright light filled the void. While I once could see nothing but darkness, now I was completely blinded by the light.

        "Who are you?" I asked, wanting to know more who this being was.
        "You may call me the Lord of All. The one who molded the world that is known by many names to different beings who reside on it but to you and your people is simply called Kasha-Akur. Everything that is material forms me and I form it. That is all that you need to know for now."
        The voice was deep and echoed throughout my head. It spoke calmly but with a strong aura of power.
        "Your village of Mell was destroyed by my brother, the Lord of Null. We were birthed at the same time. Creation and Destruction. Feast and Famine. Health and Pestilence. Peace and War. Life and Death. That is me and him. Your world is dying. Soon nothing will remain."
        "How can I prevent this?"
        I tried to open my eyes to see what the voice was but the brightness was completely unbearable. I used all the strength I could gather to take a small glimpse but I could see nothing through the light.
        "Everything is at war between us two. Our strength comes from the beings on your planet. Every action that is performed, no matter how small, feeds one of us. Long ago, what you ran into during your escape was but a small shrine on top of a mountain in a network of temples dedicated to those that once channeled my powers. In time those numbers eventually dwindled and so with them, my power to stop my brother. By accepting this contract, all I ask is to lead your people and create a new land on my behalf and when your kingdom is ready, rebuild the temple in my name."
        The weight of the world had literally just been thrust onto me. Create an entire kingdom? That sounded completely insane but I knew there were no other alternatives.
        "I don't know if I'm capable of this," I naturally asked.
        "Worry not, there were many other survivors that found there way here and many more that will eventually arrive. Most are not from what you call Mell but from other villages that have suffered the same fate. You shall work with them."
        "I do not know if I will succeed, but, I will do my best," I replied, still hesitant about how I would accomplish all of this.
        "In addition, I ask of one more task, a favor, that you and your descendants shall document everything that occurs without fail so that the next generation knows about this very important mission that has been given. Not all of your actions that you or your people will make will necessarily be good. I do not ask you to never do any evil if you must but instead that you always remain there is a balance to be maintained and there are consequences for everything you do. Now go."
       "Wait!" I shouted. "Will you speak to me again?"
       "I will speak to you if I feel it is needed."
        My head started to feel heavy and my body numb. Everything was happening so quickly. What choice did I have though but to do what the Lord of All told me?
        The light disappeared and I was once again greeted with the solitude of darkness.


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