Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Generation 1 - Year 1 Spring (Confirmation)


        "Attention all! The meeting will now begin." yelled Hederick at the rest of the crowd. He walked up to me and turned back to the crowd. "I have a very important development to announce to you. Through a vision from the Lord of All that I had received back in Galitia, I have been led to this place to find the one who can help save our sinful world. This is our savior, Julius Stern!"
        Everyone else looked at each other in confusion without saying a word. After a long pause, they all fixed their piercing eyes upon me. Some looked up and down while others scratched their head puzzled by what they had just heard.
       "The boy's barely half my age. How can he know what to do to save us?" shouted a mustached middle as he broke the silence. From his blackened apron, one could tell he used to be some type of metalsmith.
       "Now, now. He's a cute little fellow. I'm sure he knows what to do!" giggled the blonde girl who was standing in front of him. She gave me a little wink and a smile. I wasn't sure what she meant by that but it was good to know that at least I had someone's approval.

       "I agree with Henri," came another, as he walked up to the front of the crowd. He turned to Hederick and then pointed at me, "I don't know what he did before we all lost our normal lives but I'm sure survival in the middle of nowhere wasn't one of his skills."
       I was completely dumbfounded on what to say and just stared at them with my jaw dropped. It would have been easy to imagine this as some silly comedy with me as the fool. I stammered, "uhh maybe, we should uhh maybe."
       Henri glared at me, "See we'll all be dead before two sundowns, three if we eat each other." The remaining members of the group raised their voices in approval.
      "Look, the decision has already been made and if I can't convince you then you're free to leave. Just remember that you will have to face whatever dangers by yourself. The knights are bound to this mission and by proxy, bound to our mission and to Julius, here."
      Everyone else grumbled in dissent but knew the facts. They had no other choice.
      "I know we have not all met yet but I look forward to working with and getting to know each and every one of you. I, just as you have lost everything that I hold dear. In addition, I promise to value the words you say and earn your trust as we move forward together." I was surprised the words actually were able to flow through me. There were a few stutters here and there between each line but for the first time since I was announced that I was the supposed "savior", I had an inkling of confidence that maybe I could do it.


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