Sunday, November 10, 2013

Generation 1 - Year 1 Spring (Starting Out)

        "Now that you're awake, I'm going to gather everyone else so that we can decide on a plan of action. The next couple of days will be crucial for our survival. Feel free to take a look in the chest so you know what we have. It's not much but whoever used to live here must have left in a hurry as there's quite a few goodies still left."
        With that Hederick left the small hovel. Rylai and Jessica followed shortly after, there movements sluggish. They must not have slept for quite some time. 
        It took me all of my strength but I managed to get out of the bed. Pain still ached throughout every muscle but the more I moved, the more the pain dissipated. 

        I looked in the chest and indeed found a book with some dried ink. I would have to water up the ink but that wouldn't be too difficult. The hard part was finding a quill to write with. In addition there were a set of tools that we could use to make a little homestead that would hopefully keep us all alive. I picked up the tools to look what was underneath: a few wooden planks, some various stones, some unlit torches, and a backpack. A strong stench then filled the room as I lifted some planks. There were some bones, possibly from a chicken with a few bones still having some scraps of flesh left on them. I couldn't bear the smell and quickly placed the planks back over them. Grabbing the book, I closed the chest and headed outside for the meeting.

       There wasn't much left of the original structures. Directly in front of me were the remains of a watermill. The only thing remaining of the derelict was the wheel itself in surprisingly good condition. With a great deal of effort, it could be rebuilt one day so that we could make flour and bread but this was more of a long term prospect than anything manageable at the moment.

      I looked back at the house that I had stayed at the night before. It was more of a shoddy hovel than anything and it definitely could not comfortably house the eight of us for long. The roof looked like it had been patched up with grass and twigs recently, perhaps by its new inhabitants before I had arrived. Whatever negative thoughts I had about it, I knew that I might as well make myself comfy because it'd be a while before we had the time and energy to remodel it over other, more pressing matters.

     The road that used to lead to this dwelling had clearly been overtaken by nature. Potholes dotted through what used to be perhaps a nice cobblestone entrance while new signs of plant life creeped in through the cracks between eroded rocks. We would have to clean it up one day to call this place truly our home.
     Tethered to the remains of the fence, surrounding the house, were two horses. They were eating the fresh grass around them when the chestnut colored one neighed at me. I carefully walked up to it as she looked at me inquisitively. Like a statue, it just stared at me as it kept on chewing the contents in its mouth. In Mell, I was usually stuck in the library, copying works of literature for trade. Because of that, I had never gotten too close to a horse before.
      "She won't hurt you," came Rylai as she left the home. She spoke in a soft voice as she closed the door behind her. "Her name's Cheryl," said Rylai as she walked up to her partner and stroked the horse gently against its blonde mane. It neighed happily as it jumped up into the air. "She's always restless and full of energy even though we've been riding for about a week non-stop." The Queensguard took off her helmet and let her auburn hair flow with the breeze. Her face was wearied but still beautiful. She couldn't have been any older than her mid-twenties.
      "You've been on the run for that long?" I asked.
      "Yes." she replied. Her voice was quiet and soft-spoken. Basing just on her demeanor, one could  barely distinguish her from any other normal person but if you looked straight into her dark, brown eyes, you would see an indomitable warrior craft lay within that body.
      With that, she began to walk back into the house. As she opened the door she fitted the helmet snugly back onto her head, "It was nice to catch the breeze for just a quick moment. By the way, Cheryl likes you. Don't be afraid. There's bigger things in the world to be worried about." She smiled and the door closed. 


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